Please give accurate, complete full-time and part-time employment record. Start with present or most recent employer.
hereby, apply for employment with The Kansas City Country Club (hereinafter referred to as Employer.) I specifically verify that all the information provided in this application for employment is true, complete and correct and authorize investigation of all statements contained in this Application for Employment. I release all parties from all liability for any damage that may result from furnishing this information to you. I understand and agree that the omission or misrepresentation of any fact in the Application for Employment will be sufficient reason for Employer to deny me employment. I also understand and agree that should I become employed by Employer and it is later discovered I have omitted or misrepresented any fact in this Application for Employment, in any supplement thereto, or any other corporate record, Employer may immediately terminate my employment upon discovery of such omission or misrepresentation.
I will abide by the rules of this company.
If injured, I authorize my employer to use its best judgment for treatment unless I instruct otherwise.
I understand that should Employer employ me I will be asked to conform to the rules and policies of The Kansas City Country Club, and that such rules and policies may change from time to time. I also understand and agree that should Employer employ me, either The Kansas City Country Club or I may terminate my employment with or without cause and with or without notice at any time. I understand that no manager or representative Employer, other than the General Manager, has any authority to enter into any agreement for employment for any specified period of time or to make any agreement contrary to the foregoing.